
Question 1 out of 25

How many Β«principles of good designΒ» has Dieter Rams defined?

βŒ› Time’s up!

🏁  Are you ready?

Let's see how many questions you can answer:

—  There are multiple questions

—  You need to pick 1 answer

—  You have a few sec for each question

—  It takes no longer than 6 mins to complete

πŸ’ͺ🏽 You made it!

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🧠 About the project

Do you know how many principles of good design Dieter Rams has defined? 80/20 rule in UX research? Or when the first GUI prototype was created?

The Design Quiz is the place for you to test your User Experience, User Interface and Graphic Design knowledge β€” plenty to learn from.

It first started as a fun activity during TheUXConf back in 2020, where 300+ UX and UI designers were playing the design quiz live in London.

πŸ€™πŸΌ  Let's connect

Feedback, questions, partnerships?